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How to Move into the New Year

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2021

The New Year is here, and with that, there may be many mixed emotions, especially as January continues to roll on. 

I was excited for 2020 to end and to celebrate that year coming to a close. The possibility found in a blank new year is exciting and offers us a lot of hope.

I celebrated by practicing yoga on the beach of North Carolina and then running into the ocean. It was only fitting to end my year on a beach since I started last year on a beach in my meditation.

Last year I met my future self on a gorgeous beach- it wasn't the cold and windy one that I ended the year on, and that future, Laura, she sure didn't share anything about COVID! 

This year when I was recording my meditation, I kept visualizing a snowy night walk to the top of a mountain overlooking a beautiful valley.  

This mindfulness recording will help you release what no longer serves you, hold onto the lessons and gems that you need to keep, and then get specific on what you want to create in the new year and how you want to show up.

You deserve to have an amazing year in 2021! 

There is so much going on globally, and we don't have control over a lot, but we have tremendous control over our thoughts and actions.

 You can create so much this year, and I want you to feel the power of that.  

Download My Brave New Year journaling pages to get you set for what is ahead.  You can do this exercise at any time. It doesn't matter if you find this exercise in June - a year from now is still a year from now, and moving through that with bravery is what is important!

Best wishes for an amazing year ahead!







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