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The Brave Girl Project Blog

Helping tween and teen girls—and their parents—navigate friendship challenges and build confidence. Find the tools and resources you need to support your daughter and empower her to live bravely.

You Are More Than Enough! back to school worries frienship loss in teens help getting a job meditation mindfulness parenting tips self care teenage anxiety tips for teens Apr 30, 2024

Life can throw a lot at us. For parents, the mix includes juggling work, managing the home, and being there emotionally for our kids as they tackle their own challenges.

Our tween and teen girls are navigating the tricky waters of school life, dealing with the pressures of friendships and...

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Is Your Teen Stressed About Getting A Job- This Course Will Help! help getting a job parenting tips teen jobs teen problems teenage anxiety Jul 25, 2023

Hi Brave Parents,

Is your teen stressed about getting a job?  Maybe they just don't know where to start, feel overwhelmed, and simply are stuck and not taking action.

I know as a parent, we want the best for our tweens and teens, and part of that involves equipping them with the necessary...

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