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The Brave Girl Blog Navigating Friendship Challenges and Confidence

How To Handle Teen Friendship Challenges: The Do's and Don'ts

Oct 19, 2023

Were you ever part of the Girl Scouts?

I was and absolutely cherish the opportunities to engage with different troops. I have the privilege of working with remarkable Girl Scout troops and focusing on the importance of recognizing how relationships can have a powerful impact on us and the value of inclusivity.

Navigating relationships can indeed be quite a challenge. As parents and mentors, we often find ourselves seeking ways to support the incredible girls in our lives.

In Katie Hurley's insightful book, "Mean Girls No More," she offers invaluable tips for nurturing healthy friendships. I'm excited to share these insights with my Girl Scout friends and wanted to pass them along to you as well.

How To Handle Friendship Challenges

  • Say that you need time to think. You don't have to solve every problem right away.
  • Talk about how you're feeling.
  • Use I- statements to avoid the blame game. For example, "I feel embarrassed when other people make jokes about me."
  • Take responsibility for...
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Why Can't My Shy Daughter Make Friends In School?

Sep 30, 2023

Parents often ask me how they can help their shy daughters make friends. When I am asked this question, it makes me think of my younger self. One thing you may not know about me is I was a shy girl growing up. I often worried about what other people thought of me and if people would like me.

I understand how challenging it can be to make new friends. During those moments of trying to connect with others, it can feel lonely, and it might seem like it's taking an eternity to form meaningful bonds.

As a parent, I also know that this journey can leave you feeling powerless, wishing that others could see just how special and unique your daughter truly is.

The first step in supporting both our daughters and ourselves is becoming aware of our beliefs and assumptions about ourselves.

Shy teen girls may have various beliefs that contribute to their shyness or social anxiety. These beliefs can be limiting and affect their ability to make friends and engage in social situations. 


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Navigating Back-to-School Jitters: You're Stronger Than Your Anxiety!

Aug 24, 2023

"Remember, You are bigger than your anxiety!"

As the new school year dawns, it's natural for your daughter to feel a whirlwind of excitement, nervousness, and perhaps a touch of anxiety. But guess what? She's not alone in this journey, and with your support, she is stronger than she thinks.

Embracing change, like starting a new school year, can be overwhelming for your daughter, especially with thoughts of shifting friendships, unfamiliar teachers, and navigating multiple classes. But with the right guidance and encouragement, she can tackle these challenges and rediscover her inner strength.

  • Embrace Change as Growth:
    Change can be intimidating, but it's also an opportunity for growth. Encourage your daughter to see the new school year as a chance to meet new people, learn exciting things, and discover aspects of herself she never knew existed. Embrace the unknown with an open heart, and you'll find that even the most daunting situations can become rewarding experiences.
  • Navigating...
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Conquering Back-To- School Worries

Aug 11, 2023

As August begins, I can't help but feel the back-to-school blues, even though I'm no longer a student or a school counselor. Now, I'm a parent supporting a high schooler, and it's time to get myself and my son back into the school routine.

Does back-to-school stress you out too?

Thankfully, my son has been working all summer and getting up early, so we aren't too far from our regular school routine. Another relief is that he no longer experiences the anxiety he used to have during elementary school. However, I know that many families and kids struggle with the anxiety that comes with the uncertainty and stress of starting a new school year.  I want to share some tips on how to support your child through the worry and anxiety that often accompanies the beginning of the school year.

Now, let's explore how worry works in our brains.

Worry is a natural part of our survival mechanism, helping us stay safe and react quickly in dangerous situations. It's the alarm that helps us...

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Life Skills Needed During The Middle School Years!

Jun 26, 2023

Hi Brave Friends,

Welcome fellow adventurers, to a world of empowerment and growth!

Picture this: a virtual gathering of bright minds, a tribe of brave girls ready to conquer the challenges of middle school with confidence and resilience. Step into The Brave Girl Tribe, a remarkable online community dedicated to empowering and supporting girls in the transformative journey from 5th to 8th grade.

During one of our recent coaching calls within The Brave Girl Tribe, we embarked on a journey of identifying life skills needed for success in middle school. It was a thought-provoking and enriching session where the girls and I delved into the social and emotional aspects that play a crucial role in their growth and well-being as they prepare to transition into high school.

We compiled a list of the life skills needed in middle school. Lots of the girls are practicing some of these important skills this summer, and the attached video may be the perfect inspiration for your...

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Embracing the Transition: Helping Your Anxious Teen Thrive in the Summer Break with a Summer Bucket List

Jun 04, 2023

 Hi Brave Parents,

As the school year comes to an end, some teenagers may find themselves feeling anxious or apprehensive about the summer break. Your Daughter might have grown accustomed to the routine, structure, and social connections that school provides, and the thought of a long break can be overwhelming. It's okay if your daughter is excited, sad, and anxious all at once. It just means she's processing the upcoming shifts and adjusting to the new chapter in her life. Change can be uncomfortable and uncertain, and it's natural for worry and anxiety to have your daughter seeking comfort and certainty.

If your teen is struggling with this transition, there are ways to help them embrace the summer and discover new opportunities for growth and enjoyment. One effective strategy is to encourage your teen to create a summer bucket list. This simple yet powerful tool can help them shift their focus from the end of the school year to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead....

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