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The Brave Girl Blog Navigating Friendship Challenges and Confidence

You Are More Than Enough!

Apr 30, 2024

Life can throw a lot at us. For parents, the mix includes juggling work, managing the home, and being there emotionally for our kids as they tackle their own challenges.

Our tween and teen girls are navigating the tricky waters of school life, dealing with the pressures of friendships and the constant comparisons that come with growing up.

Amidst all this, a common thread weaves through our experiences—the inner critic.

The Inner Critic is the voice that whispers doubts and insecurities, making you feel inadequate and fearful of failure.

It might tell you:

"No one likes you!"
"Why bother trying out for the team when you're not that skilled?"
"That test score was just a fluke."
"This outfit isn’t working. Why did you think it would?"
"You're just not smart enough!"
"You’re too annoying to be likable."
"You're dull; do you ever do anything exciting?"

Everyone has an inner critic, a negative voice, or what some call a self-saboteur. It acts like a frightened child,...

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Four Pebbles to Happiness Meditation

Apr 20, 2021

Hi Brave Girls,

Today we are doing a meditation based on Thich Nhat Hanh’s, A Handful of Quiet.

You will need 4 pebbles.

The first pebble is your flower. It is a reminder of being fresh and open. It also reminds us to see the beauty and possibilities around us.

The second pebble represents your mountain. The mountain pebble reminds us that we all are solid and calm inside. This helps our friends see us as reliable. It reminds us that we can depend on ourselves.

The third pebble represents calm water. When you look at the lake's calm surface, you can see the reflection of the clouds, the sky, and the mountains. Calm water helps reflect what is truly there. This pebble reminds us to find our calm.

The fourth pebble represents space and freedom. Space is freedom, and freedom is the foundation for true happiness.

Holding these pebbles while meditating can help you stay in the present moment. I love feeling the different textures of my pebbles and the cool touch!


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How To Grow Your Happiness

Dec 17, 2019

Hi Brave Friends!!

 I am sharing with you one of my secrets that I do everyday-sometimes even twice a day, and I am sharing this secret with you because I want you to feel happy, centered, healthy, and present. 

The secret is that I practice mindfulness every day, and it is the one thing that helps grow my happiness and makes me feel better. I want you so badly to try it because I want you to see how something so simple can make such a significant impact on how you feel. It is a simple practice. It just requires you! 

I know sweet friend how busy you are; we all experience stress, we all experience moments of anxiety, and we all experience loss and heartache. Living is hard work but so worth it, but often we are stuck in the past or worried about the future that we aren't experiencing the here and now of what is happening.

This is why I practice mindfulness. I don't want any more time to slip away from me than already has. I want to savor every moment and be present...

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