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The Brave Girl Blog Navigating Friendship Challenges and Confidence

4 Quick Tips To Survive End of School Year Chaos

May 28, 2024

 As the school year draws to a close, we're all caught in a whirlwind of activities. Amid this bustle, the reality of the year's end can bring a mix of emotions that catch us off guard. Understanding how to navigate these emotional complexities is crucial, not just for our kids but also for us as parents.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Year-End Transitions

Endings and new beginnings often bring a cocktail of emotions—pride, grief, melancholy, relief, and joy. It's important to let ourselves fully experience these feelings. Inspired by a recent episode of Lynn Lyons' podcast, Fluster Clux, discussing the big emotions around graduation, I'm reminded that these transitions are significant for everyone involved—whether moving from elementary to middle school, from middle school to high school, or venturing off to college.

Four Quick Tips to Survive the End of the School Year Chaos (Courtesy of Lindsay B Jernigan in Psychology Today):

Feel Your Emotions: Take a moment to...

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Navigating Through Friendship Breakups, Rising Above Affirmations!

Apr 15, 2024

It can be so hard for our daughters to navigate through the ending of a friendship.

Recently, a client shared her struggles with the ending of a friendship. This young girl finds herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions: grief, anger, frustration, and confusion, all while sharing a classroom with someone she once called her best friend (If your daughter is feeling intense emotions but has a hard time naming them, download my Feeling Wheel - (Download now.)

Each day brings challenges for my client, from interpreting sidelong glances to understanding the shifting dynamics of recess alliances. It's as if an invisible line has been drawn in the classroom, dividing former friends and compelling my client to feel she must rally others to her side in a silent battle for companionship.

Similarly, many teens experience the fallout of friendships within their broader social circles, leaving them to navigate the delicate balance of still being in a larger group with someone they are...

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Building Healthy Friendships: Empowering Our Daughters to Maintain Balance

Feb 11, 2024

In our ongoing discussions about fostering healthy friendships for our daughters, let's delve into one of my favorite analogies that I use with girls.

Picture a scale that exists in relationships with your daughter on one side of the scale, and as she interacts with other people, the scale can go up or down or stay balanced based on the energies that are exchanged.

When these scales are in equilibrium, it reflects a mutual and respectful connection. Each girl contributes to the scale, creating a harmonious exchange that builds genuine friendships. However, there are times when the scales become imbalanced, often stemming from one party trying too hard to please.Imagine your daughter enthusiastically adding positive energy to the scale, wanting to contribute to the friendship. However, if the other side takes advantage or perceives this eagerness as a weakness, the scales tip drastically. The pleaser scale drops significantly compared to the more socially popular girl, leaving an...

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Navigating Worry, Anxiety, and Loss of Motivation with Your Daughter

Dec 12, 2023

In our most recent Brave Girl Tribe call, part of my Life Coaching Virtual program designed for girls in 5th to 8th grade, the girls bravely opened up about their experiences with worry and anxiety. Their courage shed light on a common struggle that many of our tweens and teens face.

This time of year, we often see an increase in worry and anxiety as the demands of school increase, friendship changes and breakdowns happen, and the winter gloomies start.The Fear of Fear: Breaking the Worry Cycle

Some members of the Brave Girl Tribe opened up about fearing their own anxiety, particularly the worry of experiencing a panic attack. It's crucial to recognize that this fear can create a cycle that intensifies anxiety. In our discussions, we've emphasized that avoidance only strengthens worry.

The first step in encouraging our girls to manage their worry and anxiety is to externalize their worry by giving it a name. This helps our girls separate themselves from worry and not get down on...

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My Friend Comes Off As Mean To New People- What Do I Do?

Jul 26, 2023

Hi Brave Friends,

This last week in The Brave Girl Tribe, my virtual online community for girls in 5th to 8th grade, one of my girls asked for tips on how to handle if you have a friend that is nice to you but mean to other people and you are starting middle school together in the fall.

It can be a challenging situation to navigate. Here is the advice that I shared with her to help her manage this situation:

1. Recognize their behavior: Acknowledge that your friend might struggle with social skills or feel insecure around new people. This can help you approach the situation with empathy and understanding.

2. Discuss their behavior privately: Find an appropriate time to talk to your friend privately. Express your observations about how they come across to others and how it might affect their ability to form new friendships. Be gentle and non-judgmental in your approach.

3. Offer constructive feedback: Provide specific examples of situations where their behavior may have...

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Life Skills Needed During The Middle School Years!

Jun 26, 2023

Hi Brave Friends,

Welcome fellow adventurers, to a world of empowerment and growth!

Picture this: a virtual gathering of bright minds, a tribe of brave girls ready to conquer the challenges of middle school with confidence and resilience. Step into The Brave Girl Tribe, a remarkable online community dedicated to empowering and supporting girls in the transformative journey from 5th to 8th grade.

During one of our recent coaching calls within The Brave Girl Tribe, we embarked on a journey of identifying life skills needed for success in middle school. It was a thought-provoking and enriching session where the girls and I delved into the social and emotional aspects that play a crucial role in their growth and well-being as they prepare to transition into high school.

We compiled a list of the life skills needed in middle school. Lots of the girls are practicing some of these important skills this summer, and the attached video may be the perfect inspiration for your...

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Embracing the Transition: Helping Your Anxious Teen Thrive in the Summer Break with a Summer Bucket List

Jun 04, 2023

 Hi Brave Parents,

As the school year comes to an end, some teenagers may find themselves feeling anxious or apprehensive about the summer break. Your Daughter might have grown accustomed to the routine, structure, and social connections that school provides, and the thought of a long break can be overwhelming. It's okay if your daughter is excited, sad, and anxious all at once. It just means she's processing the upcoming shifts and adjusting to the new chapter in her life. Change can be uncomfortable and uncertain, and it's natural for worry and anxiety to have your daughter seeking comfort and certainty.

If your teen is struggling with this transition, there are ways to help them embrace the summer and discover new opportunities for growth and enjoyment. One effective strategy is to encourage your teen to create a summer bucket list. This simple yet powerful tool can help them shift their focus from the end of the school year to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead....

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15 Summer Job Ideas for Tween and Teen Girls

May 24, 2023

Are you ready to make this summer an incredible time for your tween or teen daughter to develop valuable skills, boost her confidence, and embark on a journey of self-discovery?

Recently, one of my coaching clients, a fantastic fifth-grade girl, expressed her interest in getting a job over the summer. She even wanted to learn how to create a resume! Witnessing her enthusiasm and determination reminded me of my own childhood adventures.

This young girl's aspiration to have a summer job resonated with me and reminded me of a video I recently watched featuring former First Lady Michelle Obama. She beautifully expressed that life is all about practicing who you want to be, and your daughter can practice becoming the incredible person she aspires to be during this summer season. Even at a young age, getting a job can be a fantastic way for her to develop important skills and qualities.

Here are 10 important reasons why it is beneficial for tweens and teens to have a job:

1. Financial...

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