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The Brave Girl Blog Navigating Friendship Challenges and Confidence

Empower Your Bond: 5 Problem-Solving Approaches for Mothers and Tween/Teen Daughters

May 17, 2023

Hi, Brave friends!

In this blog post, I'll share five choices that can help you and your tween or teen daughter effectively work through problems.

Do you often find yourself or your child struggling to solve problems? 

It's important to approach problem-solving from a bigger perspective, enabling us to explore different choices and move forward rather than getting stuck in the details.

Choice #1 - Fix the Problem:

When facing a problem, the first choice is to focus on finding a solution. It might require thinking creatively and coming up with unique approaches. Often, we tend to feel overwhelmed and frustrated for longer than necessary. Encouraging your daughter to believe in herself and her problem-solving abilities is crucial. Allowing her to solve the problem on her own is equally important.

Choice #2 - Change Your Attitude:

Sometimes, the problem lies not in the situation but in how we perceive it. By changing our attitude and looking at the problem from a different...

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