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The Brave Girl Blog Navigating Friendship Challenges and Confidence

5 tips for supporting your Middle School daughter

Jun 16, 2024

I hope this message finds you well as the school year winds down. Being a parent can be hard, especially during these demanding months. How are you and your daughter doing? I genuinely want to know!

Parenting a tween or teen can feel like a constant struggle, particularly with the social dynamics they face. If this school year has been tough and you're both feeling drained, you’re not alone. Many parents feel overwhelmed by the drama and emotional turbulence that their daughters endure.

To support you both, I’d like to introduce you to the lessons in the parent section of the "Survive and Thrive in Middle School" course. This resource is designed to help you and your daughter navigate these crucial years confidently.

You and your daughter have the strength to rise above the challenges, and things will get better. With the right tools and resources, the journey can be a bit easier. Here are the topics in the parent section of Survive and Thrive in Middle School that will...

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Guiding Your Daughter: Effective Strategies for Managing Finals with Confidence

May 08, 2024

Anxiety can build as final exams and standardized testing season approaches. It’s a critical time for our students, especially those managing ADHD. Let’s explore how we can help our daughters feel less overwhelmed and more empowered during this stressful time of year.

Navigating the educational journey with your tween or teen girl can be both rewarding and challenging, particularly when ADHD is part of the equation. This condition can affect executive functioning, making it difficult for your daughter to plan, prioritize, and execute tasks. Understanding this can help us support them better.

Instead of asking, "Have you started studying for your finals?" here are some other helpful ways to check in with your daughter that hopefully won't shut her down, especially if she procrastinates because of stress. 

When we check in, ask:

"How can I help you study for your finals?"
"Would it be helpful for me to be an accountability partner to help keep you focused and on...

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Navigating Worry, Anxiety, and Loss of Motivation with Your Daughter

Dec 12, 2023

In our most recent Brave Girl Tribe call, part of my Life Coaching Virtual program designed for girls in 5th to 8th grade, the girls bravely opened up about their experiences with worry and anxiety. Their courage shed light on a common struggle that many of our tweens and teens face.

This time of year, we often see an increase in worry and anxiety as the demands of school increase, friendship changes and breakdowns happen, and the winter gloomies start.The Fear of Fear: Breaking the Worry Cycle

Some members of the Brave Girl Tribe opened up about fearing their own anxiety, particularly the worry of experiencing a panic attack. It's crucial to recognize that this fear can create a cycle that intensifies anxiety. In our discussions, we've emphasized that avoidance only strengthens worry.

The first step in encouraging our girls to manage their worry and anxiety is to externalize their worry by giving it a name. This helps our girls separate themselves from worry and not get down on...

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Embracing the Transition: Helping Your Anxious Teen Thrive in the Summer Break with a Summer Bucket List

Jun 04, 2023

 Hi Brave Parents,

As the school year comes to an end, some teenagers may find themselves feeling anxious or apprehensive about the summer break. Your Daughter might have grown accustomed to the routine, structure, and social connections that school provides, and the thought of a long break can be overwhelming. It's okay if your daughter is excited, sad, and anxious all at once. It just means she's processing the upcoming shifts and adjusting to the new chapter in her life. Change can be uncomfortable and uncertain, and it's natural for worry and anxiety to have your daughter seeking comfort and certainty.

If your teen is struggling with this transition, there are ways to help them embrace the summer and discover new opportunities for growth and enjoyment. One effective strategy is to encourage your teen to create a summer bucket list. This simple yet powerful tool can help them shift their focus from the end of the school year to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead....

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