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Inner Spring Cleaning for Your Mental Health

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2021

Your Mental Wellness is just as important as your Physical Wellness.

We spend so much time in our heads- we need to make sure it’s a great place to be.

I have been busy spring cleaning, and it got me thinking that an inner mental spring cleaning might have me feeling even more light and airy than my house!

I would love for you to join me from April 12th to April 30th to do an Inner Spring Cleaning. You can join in by following me on Instagram or here on my website.

First, you need to download my free Inner Spring Cleaning Mental Health Cleanse Journal.  Download Your Copy

Next, join me each Monday for mindfulness practice and complete the journaling exercise found in the Inner Spring Cleaning Journal.

Each day record your gratitude.

Track your sleep as this is so important for your mental wellness. 

We will later track our moods, do mindful coloring, and have time to chat every Wednesday when I go Live on Instagram at 4:30 pom EST.

These exercises are an opportunity to clean out the old and stagnant energy and make space for the possibilities in this new season.

Please share this with a friend! Everyone is welcome to join!! 



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