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Is Your Teen Stressed About Getting A Job- This Course Will Help!

Jul 25, 2023

Hi Brave Parents,

Is your teen stressed about getting a job?  Maybe they just don't know where to start, feel overwhelmed, and simply are stuck and not taking action.

I know as a parent, we want the best for our tweens and teens, and part of that involves equipping them with the necessary skills to succeed in life. I recently shared in a Facebook Live my new course, Success Starts Here.

This is a  comprehensive online program designed to empower young individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive professionally. 

Here are some of the reasons that you need to get this course for your tween or teen.

Filling the Gap in Traditional Education:
One of the key reasons why the Success Starts Here course is crucial for tweens and teens is that it fills a significant gap in traditional education. While schools provide academic knowledge, they often overlook essential life skills vital for workplace success. This course bridges that gap by teaching practical skills...

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Popularity vs. Friendship

Apr 26, 2023

I recently conducted a poll on Instagram asking my followers if they had ever been rejected by a friend who joined a more popular group. Shockingly, 100% of them had gone through this experience. In The Brave Girl Tribe, this is a common topic among the girls.

Pursuing popularity can be problematic as it often overrides healthy social skills. For teens, popularity is more about social dynamics and seeking power and status, which can lead to fear and aggression among peers.

A study from the University of Virginia found that preteens who were most concerned about being popular tended to act older and more mature and were more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors. Interestingly, the group of tweens who acted more mature were the more popular kids in middle school but were the least socially successful as young adults.

To help your daughter seek genuine friendships rather than the pull of popularity, ask her what qualities she values in her friends and if her current friends meet...

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