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The Brave Girl Blog Navigating Friendship Challenges and Confidence

9 Thought Habits & Challenge Questions To Help With Automatic Negative Thoughts.

Sep 07, 2023

 I was incredibly fortunate to attend a Sting concert and let me tell you, it was absolutely amazing!

Listening to him perform "Message In A Bottle" brought back a flood of memories from my teenage years. Even after all this time, the lyrics still tug at my heartstrings.

The lyrics resonate with me, reminding me of all the girls heading back to school, feeling like they're castaways on lonely islands, but here's the truth: they're not alone in feeling alone. A whole sea of girls are out there, all searching for their place to belong.

Over the past few weeks, I've received numerous messages from parents reaching out for guidance on supporting their daughters during these challenging transitions in school and friendships.

 I created an Instagram Reel with tips on this very topic:

1. Create a Safe Home Space: Ensure your home is safe and welcoming, where your daughter feels comfortable sharing her experiences.

2. Manage Your Emotional Reaction: Managing your emotions when she...

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Does Your Daughter Have A.N.T.s: Automatic Negative Thoughts?

Aug 29, 2023

This past Friday night, I attended our local high school's first football game of the season. It was heartwarming to witness the high schoolers hanging out with their friends; the palpable excitement and butterflies in the air were infectious. Admittedly, I observed their social dynamics more than the game itself – though I know that our team emerged victorious!

As I watched these interactions, I couldn't help but wonder about the inner thoughts of these teens following their moments with friends. Sometimes, body language can be a revealing storyteller, hinting at those instances where Automatic Negative Thoughts might have crept in after their interactions.

Stepping into a brand-new school year, the whirlwind of change and the rapid shifts in our surroundings can sometimes trigger automatic negative thoughts.

In this Blog, we're on a mission to unpack some of these typical thinking patterns that we might come across. Getting a handle on these patterns can give us the...

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Navigating Back-to-School Jitters: You're Stronger Than Your Anxiety!

Aug 24, 2023

"Remember, You are bigger than your anxiety!"

As the new school year dawns, it's natural for your daughter to feel a whirlwind of excitement, nervousness, and perhaps a touch of anxiety. But guess what? She's not alone in this journey, and with your support, she is stronger than she thinks.

Embracing change, like starting a new school year, can be overwhelming for your daughter, especially with thoughts of shifting friendships, unfamiliar teachers, and navigating multiple classes. But with the right guidance and encouragement, she can tackle these challenges and rediscover her inner strength.

  • Embrace Change as Growth:
    Change can be intimidating, but it's also an opportunity for growth. Encourage your daughter to see the new school year as a chance to meet new people, learn exciting things, and discover aspects of herself she never knew existed. Embrace the unknown with an open heart, and you'll find that even the most daunting situations can become rewarding experiences.
  • Navigating...
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What To Do When Your Child Has No Friends In Their Class At The Beginning of The Year

Aug 19, 2023

Starting a new school year can be exciting but can also bring challenges, especially for children without close friends in their classes.

Understanding the Emotional Impact:
When a child realizes they're not in class with their close friends, it can trigger strong emotions like sadness, worry, and even anger. Acknowledging and understanding these emotions is crucial for parents. Start by recognizing the significance of the situation and how it might affect your child emotionally. Remember, your child's feelings are valid, and creating a safe space to express themselves without judgment is essential.

7 Tips for Parents

  1. Manage Your Own Emotions:
    Parents play a vital role in helping their children cope with these feelings. Begin by managing your own emotions, expectations, and fears. If you've requested specific classmates for your child and the request wasn't met, it's natural to feel upset. However, remaining calm and centered is essential for supporting your child effectively.
  2. ...
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Is Your Teen Stressed About Getting A Job- This Course Will Help!

Jul 25, 2023

Hi Brave Parents,

Is your teen stressed about getting a job?  Maybe they just don't know where to start, feel overwhelmed, and simply are stuck and not taking action.

I know as a parent, we want the best for our tweens and teens, and part of that involves equipping them with the necessary skills to succeed in life. I recently shared in a Facebook Live my new course, Success Starts Here.

This is a  comprehensive online program designed to empower young individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive professionally. 

Here are some of the reasons that you need to get this course for your tween or teen.

Filling the Gap in Traditional Education:
One of the key reasons why the Success Starts Here course is crucial for tweens and teens is that it fills a significant gap in traditional education. While schools provide academic knowledge, they often overlook essential life skills vital for workplace success. This course bridges that gap by teaching practical skills...

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6 Tips To Help Support Your Daughter Through Challenges

May 31, 2023

Hi Brave Parents,

As your daughter navigates the challenges of growing up, it's natural for her to encounter moments of disappointment and unfairness. As a parent, you have the power to provide support and help her overcome these hurdles. 

Here are six tips to make the journey easier:

1. Listen and Validate: When your daughter is experiencing disappointment or feelings of unfairness, the first step is to listen to her and validate her feelings. Let her know that you hear her and that her emotions are important.
2. Provide Perspective: Help your daughter put things in perspective by reminding her of all the things she has accomplished and overcome in the past. Encourage her to view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.
3. Encourage Positive Self-Talk: Self-talk is a powerful tool for managing emotions. Encourage your daughter to practice positive self-talk by using affirmations such as "I am capable" or "I will overcome this challenge."
4. Help Her Find a Healthy Outlet:...

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Popularity vs. Friendship

Apr 26, 2023

I recently conducted a poll on Instagram asking my followers if they had ever been rejected by a friend who joined a more popular group. Shockingly, 100% of them had gone through this experience. In The Brave Girl Tribe, this is a common topic among the girls.

Pursuing popularity can be problematic as it often overrides healthy social skills. For teens, popularity is more about social dynamics and seeking power and status, which can lead to fear and aggression among peers.

A study from the University of Virginia found that preteens who were most concerned about being popular tended to act older and more mature and were more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors. Interestingly, the group of tweens who acted more mature were the more popular kids in middle school but were the least socially successful as young adults.

To help your daughter seek genuine friendships rather than the pull of popularity, ask her what qualities she values in her friends and if her current friends meet...

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Loving Kindness Meditation

Apr 12, 2021

Hi Brave Friends,

As part of the Inner Spring Cleaning, I will be sharing weekly meditations. 

This week we start with a Loving Kindness Meditation to help inspire compassion for yourself, family, friends, and even those people that bring up negative emotions in you.

There is a free Love and Kindness Journaling Page that is included in The Inner Spring Cleaning Mental Health Cleanse Journal that you can download. Do this quick activity after your meditation!  This will really help you deepen your experience.

Meditating has been the one thing that has truly made a difference in how I feel and how I react to everyday stressors in my life. 

I would love to hear your thoughts after doing this practice. Please leave a comment below.

I have a poster that you can print out and keep by your workspace so that you can do this practice anytime.

 Wishing you a wonderful day!


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Teenage Anxiety - How to help your daughter during Corona Virus

Mar 12, 2020

Hi Brave Friends,

Is your daughter starting to get more concerned and anxious about the news of the Corona Virus?  Are you starting to feel more concerned and anxious yourself and having a hard time calming her worries and yours?

That totally makes sense especially when we hear the words Pandemic. 

I have several coaching clients that are dealing with worry and teenage anxiety about the virus. They have expressed concerns about themselves getting sick, and worried about a grandparent or parent getting sick since they have heard that older adults are impacted more by the virus. They are getting information in bits and pieces and it may not all be accurate.

If you have someone that is sensitive and does a lot of "What if..." worrying this can be hard for them and for you!

Dr. Lisa Damour shared some wonderful tips in an article published on March 11th in the New York Times entitled 5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About The Corona Virus

Dr. Damour's 5 tips are:


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