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Is Your Teen Stressed About Getting A Job- This Course Will Help!

Jul 25, 2023

Hi Brave Parents,

Is your teen stressed about getting a job?  Maybe they just don't know where to start, feel overwhelmed, and simply are stuck and not taking action.

I know as a parent, we want the best for our tweens and teens, and part of that involves equipping them with the necessary skills to succeed in life. I recently shared in a Facebook Live my new course, Success Starts Here.

This is a  comprehensive online program designed to empower young individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive professionally. 

Here are some of the reasons that you need to get this course for your tween or teen.

Filling the Gap in Traditional Education:
One of the key reasons why the Success Starts Here course is crucial for tweens and teens is that it fills a significant gap in traditional education. While schools provide academic knowledge, they often overlook essential life skills vital for workplace success. This course bridges that gap by teaching practical skills...

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Life Skills Needed During The Middle School Years!

Jun 26, 2023

Hi Brave Friends,

Welcome fellow adventurers, to a world of empowerment and growth!

Picture this: a virtual gathering of bright minds, a tribe of brave girls ready to conquer the challenges of middle school with confidence and resilience. Step into The Brave Girl Tribe, a remarkable online community dedicated to empowering and supporting girls in the transformative journey from 5th to 8th grade.

During one of our recent coaching calls within The Brave Girl Tribe, we embarked on a journey of identifying life skills needed for success in middle school. It was a thought-provoking and enriching session where the girls and I delved into the social and emotional aspects that play a crucial role in their growth and well-being as they prepare to transition into high school.

We compiled a list of the life skills needed in middle school. Lots of the girls are practicing some of these important skills this summer, and the attached video may be the perfect inspiration for your...

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Protecting Teens: Recognizing the 10 Warning Signs of Dating Violence

Jun 20, 2023

A Disturbing Pattern
Young women between the ages of 18 - 24 are three times more likely to be abused by an intimate partner, especially in cases where they don't have a lot of relationships with other women.

Even when they do, only 33% of young women tell anyone about the abuse they experience when it happens.

They might be confused or even ashamed. Young women in this situation often blame themselves or think that something they did caused them to deserve the abuse they experienced. 

If you have concerns that your daughter might be experiencing dating violence, it is crucial to be alert and knowledgeable about the warning signs.

Here's what you should look out for:

  1. A partner that wants to know where she is at all times.
  2. A partner that insists on checking her communications.
  3. Her dating partner is angry when she spends time away from them.
  4. A partner that tracks your daughter using GPS, Apps, or Apple AirTags.
  5. A partner makes negative comments about her appearance,...
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The Importance of Early Discussion: Preventing Teen Dating Violence

Jun 17, 2023

Did you know that dating relationships among girls can start as early as 6th grade, and these early relationships are becoming more prevalent?

While these relationships may initially seem harmless, studies reveal that many girls in this age group can experience violence within such relationships. In many cases, "dating" doesn't mean much besides spending time together. Statistically, 72% of 13 and 14-year-olds are "dating," but even girls at this age can experience violence in a dating relationship. Discussing the signs of an abusive relationship early is important because fostering a healthy parent/child relationship can stop the violence before it happens.

A pattern of abuse established in adolescence can lead to:

Substance Abuse:
One of the distressing consequences of enduring abuse in adolescence is the increased risk of developing substance abuse issues. Teens trapped in abusive relationships may turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism to escape the emotional or physical...

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Embracing the Transition: Helping Your Anxious Teen Thrive in the Summer Break with a Summer Bucket List

Jun 04, 2023

 Hi Brave Parents,

As the school year comes to an end, some teenagers may find themselves feeling anxious or apprehensive about the summer break. Your Daughter might have grown accustomed to the routine, structure, and social connections that school provides, and the thought of a long break can be overwhelming. It's okay if your daughter is excited, sad, and anxious all at once. It just means she's processing the upcoming shifts and adjusting to the new chapter in her life. Change can be uncomfortable and uncertain, and it's natural for worry and anxiety to have your daughter seeking comfort and certainty.

If your teen is struggling with this transition, there are ways to help them embrace the summer and discover new opportunities for growth and enjoyment. One effective strategy is to encourage your teen to create a summer bucket list. This simple yet powerful tool can help them shift their focus from the end of the school year to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead....

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Welcome To The Brave Girl Tribe Open House Sunday June 11th, 2023 @7pm EST/4pm PST

Jun 02, 2023

Brave Friends, 

We are thrilled to have you join us at The Brave Girl Tribe Open House, where something truly remarkable awaits! Sunday, June 11th, 2023@7 pm EST/4 pm PST, Prepare to be captivated by the inspiring story of Kalen and Sara Redmon, the creative minds behind Crayon Pendant Jewelry. This incredible venture was born from the imagination of 9-year-old Sara Isabel during the pandemic, and it's a story you won't want to miss.

Kalen, Sara's mom, shares that their Crayon Pendants journey has been a transformative experience, allowing them to embrace the messiness and the joy of working together. It has taught Sara Isabel the value of hard work, while Kalen has discovered the power of letting go and trusting the process.

As a parent, you understand the importance of fostering your daughter's dreams and empowering her to believe in her own ideas. The Brave Girl Tribe is here to provide the guidance and support she needs to thrive. Our online community for girls in 5th...

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6 Tips To Help Support Your Daughter Through Challenges

May 31, 2023

Hi Brave Parents,

As your daughter navigates the challenges of growing up, it's natural for her to encounter moments of disappointment and unfairness. As a parent, you have the power to provide support and help her overcome these hurdles. 

Here are six tips to make the journey easier:

1. Listen and Validate: When your daughter is experiencing disappointment or feelings of unfairness, the first step is to listen to her and validate her feelings. Let her know that you hear her and that her emotions are important.
2. Provide Perspective: Help your daughter put things in perspective by reminding her of all the things she has accomplished and overcome in the past. Encourage her to view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.
3. Encourage Positive Self-Talk: Self-talk is a powerful tool for managing emotions. Encourage your daughter to practice positive self-talk by using affirmations such as "I am capable" or "I will overcome this challenge."
4. Help Her Find a Healthy Outlet:...

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Honoring Brave Women in Service: The Fearless Readers of The Brave Tribe & The Brave Girl Project

May 26, 2023

Memorial Day is a time when we come together to honor and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It is a day to reflect on the bravery, dedication, and selflessness of these individuals who gave their lives in defense of our country and its values. As part of The Brave Girl Project, it is important to recognize and remember the brave women who have served and paid the ultimate price.

The Fearless Readers of The Brave Girl Tribe are immensely grateful for the incredible women, both past and future, who selflessly serve our country. Their unwavering dedication, sacrifice, and bravery leave an indelible mark on our hearts and inspire us to strive for greatness. We pause to reflect on the extraordinary contributions made by these remarkable individuals, recognizing the immense impact they have had on our nation's history and the ongoing fight for freedom and justice.

To the brave women who have paved the way before us, we...

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15 Summer Job Ideas for Tween and Teen Girls

May 24, 2023

Are you ready to make this summer an incredible time for your tween or teen daughter to develop valuable skills, boost her confidence, and embark on a journey of self-discovery?

Recently, one of my coaching clients, a fantastic fifth-grade girl, expressed her interest in getting a job over the summer. She even wanted to learn how to create a resume! Witnessing her enthusiasm and determination reminded me of my own childhood adventures.

This young girl's aspiration to have a summer job resonated with me and reminded me of a video I recently watched featuring former First Lady Michelle Obama. She beautifully expressed that life is all about practicing who you want to be, and your daughter can practice becoming the incredible person she aspires to be during this summer season. Even at a young age, getting a job can be a fantastic way for her to develop important skills and qualities.

Here are 10 important reasons why it is beneficial for tweens and teens to have a job:

1. Financial...

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Empower Your Bond: 5 Problem-Solving Approaches for Mothers and Tween/Teen Daughters

May 17, 2023

Hi, Brave friends!

In this blog post, I'll share five choices that can help you and your tween or teen daughter effectively work through problems.

Do you often find yourself or your child struggling to solve problems? 

It's important to approach problem-solving from a bigger perspective, enabling us to explore different choices and move forward rather than getting stuck in the details.

Choice #1 - Fix the Problem:

When facing a problem, the first choice is to focus on finding a solution. It might require thinking creatively and coming up with unique approaches. Often, we tend to feel overwhelmed and frustrated for longer than necessary. Encouraging your daughter to believe in herself and her problem-solving abilities is crucial. Allowing her to solve the problem on her own is equally important.

Choice #2 - Change Your Attitude:

Sometimes, the problem lies not in the situation but in how we perceive it. By changing our attitude and looking at the problem from a different...

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